Do you want to create your own unique stickers for your planner using the iPad app, Procreate? It’s super easy to do, and you can create stickers with your own drawings or doodles, painted patterns, with just simple colors to match your planner – or any combination of design ideas!
Here’s how 🙂
How to Make Stickers in Procreate
You will need:
- iPad with Procreate
- Sticker template (download our free sticker template HERE)
1/ Download the template to your iPad, either to photos or to files. If you are using a desktop to read this page, download the template and then load it to your iPad using Dropbox or iCloud. It’s such a small file, you can also email it to yourself and open it on your iPad.
2/ Open Procreate

Select the ‘Import’ option to import the template into a new document.
3/ Open the Layers panel

Open the layers panel (the little squares icon at the top right). You will see the template has been loaded on a new layer above the background. The sticker shapes are actually transparent, which you will see if you change the colour of the background layer, or make it invisible.
We want to create a design UNDER the template. Therefore we need to create a new layer.

Click on the + icon to create a new layer. Make sure the new layer is UNDER the template layer. If not, in the layers panel, drag the new layer so it is under the template layer.
You can now decorate the new layer and the pattern will show through the sticker template as you can see in the image below (want to know how to make a marbled effect background in Procreate? Super easy to do, check out our free tutorial HERE)
When you are finished and happy with the results, just export your image and print onto adhesive paper or good quality printing paper if you plan to adhere the stickers to your planner using adhesive.

Ideas for Decorating Your Planner Stickers in Procreate
Here are some ideas for decorating your planner stickers:
- Pick a few different brushes and just paint some squiggles to create an organic pattern.
- Doodle flowers or characters into each box
- Write a motivational phrase or word into each section
- Insert a photo (go to the wrench tool at the top left to add an image) – an image of sky or clouds would make a create set of stamps.