Make pie boxes with our free pie box template. Make this simple gift box out of a single sheet of paper.
A pie box is a great gift box for presenting a piece of cake or pie at the end of a party. However, they also make great gift boxes for a variety of items. Use these to present a small gift for someone or to give party favors.
Change the look and feel of this pie gift box by using different colored paper or decorating the finished box with embellishments.
How to Make the Pie Box
This is so easy to do! You will need:
- Paper
- Scissors
- Adhesive
- Decorations
Download the free paper pie box template below and cut it out. Either print the template onto colored paper or print the template onto scrap paper and then transfer it to decorative paper.
Adhere the edges together to form the pie shape, leaving the top open. When you are ready to finish the box, either adhere the top closed by tucking in the top flap and then add a sticker or piece of tape to keep it closed.
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Download Pie Box Template
Pie Box TemplateMore Gift Box Templates

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