When you use our free color palette generator to create your own custom color swatches for Procreate, it’s super easy to download them and add them to Procreate.
First Create Your Palette
If you haven’t done so already, go to our free color palette generator and create first create your color palette.
Choose the photo or image you want to use, select the number of swatches you desire and then give the swatch a name and click ‘download’.
Upload The File To Procreate
When you have downloaded the file, it’s simple to just add the file to Procreate.
Tip: If you have saved the swatch file to your desktop instead of your iPad, you will need to upload the file to your iPad. Either add it to your iCloud files, email it to yourself or save it to the cloud to retrieve from you iPad.
Then just go to where you saved the file on your iPad and tap on the swatch file you have just created. It will then automatically be added to Procreate and you will see the swatches in the color palette menu 🙂