Here’s a free printable image sudoku set for unicorn fans! Here are image sudoku puzzles in a 4 x 4 grid, ideal for children or people who want a quick sudoku fix! Choose from three different levels – there are 10 puzzles and solutions in each pack.
Be warned – samurai sudoku puzzles are highly addicting and before you know it, you’ll be whiling away a few hours getting engrossed into solving these puzzles!
How to Play Image Sudoku
The rules for image or picture sudoku is the same as number sudoku – however, instead of using numbers to complete the puzzle grid, you will use images.
In the puzzle download file you will find a set of tiles you can print and cut out to complete the puzzle grid (or if you are feeling creative, doodle the images instead!).

Don’t forget to check out our other free printable puzzles and games!
About the Puzzles
There are ten puzzles to print and play and three different levels to choose from. These are designed for beginners, kids and people who want a quick sudoku challenge, we will have more challenging and fiendishly difficult sudoku puzzles published soon.
The answer key can be found in a seperate folder within the download file – so you can avoid seeing it until you are ready!
More FREE Printable Puzzles & Activities
Do these puzzles to keep yourself and others entertained and engaged while at home.
JPG and PDF Files
You will find both JPG and PDF files, both at a high quality resolution to give you great quality prints on both letter and a4 paper.
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Download Puzzle File
You can download the files below, choose from easy, medium and tricky:
Easy Puzzles
Unicorn and Friends Sudoku - EASYMedium Puzzles
Unicorn and Friends Sudoku - MediumTricky Puzzles
Unicorn and Friends Sudoku -Tricky