Here is a set of 10 easy samurai sudoku puzzles for you to download and print. You will find 10 puzzles on separate pages plus the puzzle keys.
Be warned – samurai sudoku puzzles are highly addicting and before you know it, you’ll be whiling away a few hours getting engrossed into solving these puzzles!
How to Play Samurai Sudoku
The rules for Samurai Sudoku mirror normal sudoku – with one key difference – the puzzles overlap and merge!
You will see the puzzle consists of 5 linked standard Sudoku grids as you can see below.

Make sure the four 3×3 regions that overlap and join the separate grids fulfil the rules for both grids at the same time (this is where is gets more tricky than standard sudoku).
If you are new, you may find the easiest way to approach the puzzle is to work on the individual sub grids first, starting at the outsides and then, as you get near the end of the game, you will find that you are working with some boxes which appear in two overlapping grids.
About the Puzzles
There are ten puzzles to print and play. These are designed for people new to Samurai Sudoku, we will have more challenging and fiendishly difficult sudoku puzzles published soon.
The answer key can be found in a seperate folder within the download file – so you can avoid seeing it until you are ready!
More FREE Printable Puzzles & Activities
Do these puzzles to keep yourself and others entertained and engaged while at home.
JPG and PDF Files
You will find both JPG and PDF files, both at a high quality resolution to give you great quality prints on both letter and a4 paper.
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Download Puzzle File
You can download the jpg and pdf file here:
Samurai Sudoku