Here is a free printable unicorn jigsaw puzzle to download and play! The cute unicorn has a rainbow background and is divided into 24 squares. This will make a great activity for any young unicorn fan.
How to Make the Unicorn Puzzle
Just print the puzzle onto good quality paper and cut out the squares. Then place them together to form the picture. If you want to turn it into a poster, glue the squares into position on another piece of paper.
If you would like to make this a puzzle which can be played over and over again, why not print onto cardstock to make a more robust puzzle. Alternatively, adhere the paper puzzle onto a piece of card, for example a cereal box, for a quick and low cost option.
More FREE Printable Puzzles & Activities
JPG & PDF File
You will find a JPG file saved at a high quality resolution to give you great quality prints on both letter and a4 paper.
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Download Free Printable Unicorn Puzzle
You can download the pdf and jpg file here:
Printable Unicorn Jigsaw Puzzle