Here’s one for Harry Potter fans! This free printable wordsearch puzzle features a range of words connected to Harry Potter We’ve included two variations of the same word list so you can give one to someone else to do and there’s no fear of copying 🙂
About the Puzzles
There are a lot of words in this wordsearch with plenty of overlapping between the letters. This has been designed to keep you busy 🙂 The words can be found horizontally, diagonally and vertically in both directions.
The answer key can be found in a seperate folder within the download file – so you can avoid seeing it until you are ready!
More FREE Printable Puzzles & Activities
Do these puzzles to keep yourself and others entertained and engaged while at home.
JPG and PDF Files
You will find both JPG and PDF files, both at a high quality resolution to give you great quality prints on both letter and a4 paper.
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Download Puzzle File
You can download the jpg and pdf file here:
Harry Potter Wordsearch